Learn english online (free)

  • Online English dictionaries
    – a list of free online English dictionaries, which are dictionaries about the language of English.
  • Learn English-British Council
    – Learn lots of new vocabulary and practise your skills using our high-quality resources.
  • Cambridge English
    – Practise your English with free online listening, grammar, vocabulary and reading activities.
  • USA Learns
    – USA Learns is a free website to help adults learn English online.

How to Add a copyright symbol in HTML5

There are several ways to add a copyright symbol into your web page.

You can directly copy and paste it in: ©. you can also type it using <Alt>0169.

Can you use a HTML5 code? Of course! The copyright sign HTML5 code is: &copy;


Preview: © 2018 HowToMakeAwebsiteWithHtml.com
HTML5 code: <p>&copy; 2018 HowToMakeAwebsiteWithHtml.com<p>

Learn more

Decimal code:

&#169; (copyright symbol)
&#9400; (C inside circle)

Hex code:

&#xA9; (copyright symbol)
&#x24B8; (C inside circle)

The url of this article is:

HTML code for website link with a picture

I’ll show you how to make image hyperlinks.

This is an example of a HTML code for website link with a picture:

<a target=”_blank” href=”http://www.listofallwebsites.com”><img src=”http://www.listofallwebsites.com/pictures/2.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”The name of your picture”></a>

“http://www.listofallwebsites.com/pictures/2.jpg” is the location of your picture.

Make your website to maintenance mode

Sometimes, You need to make changes to your website’s design, WordPress theme or content. This would make your website temporarily unavailable to public access. In this case you will probably need make your website look and feel more professional.

There are many free plugins on WordPress.org that let you put your website into maintenance mode and display a custom message to your visitors. For example: WP Maintenance Mode (by Designmodo). WP Maintenance Mode allows you to have full access of your website during the maintenance mode.

Plugin WP Maintenance Mode:

Xenu’s Link Sleuth – Find broken links on your site

Xenu’s Link Sleuth (TM) checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on “normal” links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets. It displays a continously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. A report can be produced at any time.
Additional features:

Simple, no-frills user-interface
Can re-check broken links (useful for temporary network errors)
Simple report format, can also be e-mailed
Executable file smaller than 1MB
Supports SSL websites (“https:// “)
Partial testing of ftp, gopher and mail URLs
Detects and reports redirected URLs
Site Map
